I am looking to buy the following
1980s action figure line playsets.
They must be complete and either loose
or MIB will do. Looking for Thundercats
Cats Lair, Sectaurs Hyve playset,
Blackstar Ice Castle and Crystar Crystal
Castle. Contact
me with pics and prices.! |
Figure Store
The Action Figure Archive
Online Store is now up and running including
figures, playsets, vehicles, weapons, accessories
and parts from all vintage figure lines!
More items are being added daily so keep
checking back to see whats new! |
Figure Archive Forums
Have a question about an obscure figure
or just looking for a place to chat with
other collectors? Visit the Action
Figure Archive Forums!
Feel free to sign up and post on the message
boards to discuss vintage 70s & 80s
figures of all lines. Post in the marketplace
to buy, sell or trade your figures and acquire
those hard to find pieces to complete your
collection! |
& 1980s Sears Christmas Wishbooks
Check out the action figure page scans from
vintage 1979-1987
Sears Christmas Wish Books. Some of
the action figure lines highlighted these
years are G.I. Joe, Masters of the Universe,
Star Wars, Super Powers, Secret Wars, Transformers,
Convertors, Robo Force, Tek Force, Voltron,
Sectaurs, Gobots and many more. |
Action Figure Lines
The following loose action figure gallery
sections are now up on the website: AD&D,
Galactica, Bionic
Six, Black
Hole, Blackstar,
Buck Rogers,
Captain Power,
Chuck Norris
Karate Kommandos, Centurions,
of the Titans, Conan
(Remco), Crystar,
Droids, Dune,
Earth Force,
Ewoks, Fantasy
World, Flash
Gordon, Galaxy
Fighters, Galaxy
Warriors, Indiana
Jones, Inhumanoids,
Power Lords,
Worlds Greatest Super-Heroes, Mighty
Crusaders, Pocket
Heroes, Lord
of the Rings (Knickerbocker), Robotech,
Sectaurs, Star
Trek the Motion Picture,Super
Naturals, Super
Powers, Shogun
Warriors, Silverhawks,
Tron, Visionaries
& Voltron.